Thursday, July 1, 2010

Another day another night..

Another day wasted..
my holiday will end soon.
and i don't even start studying.
and I'm gonna waste the whole week for watching movie i guess.
I'm so lazy.. like a pig.
can i just be as hardworking as dung beetle..
haha =D
Dung beetle again huh? guess you guys would say that.

Enjoyed watching Karate Kid with Chai yuen the LDV vege and Noel aka guan gong.
haha. it's a nice movie.

hmm. so what i did earlier today.
went to Penang Dental to check up my teeth.
then when I'm home
i just turn on my lappy online..
watched new moon for twice..
and a day wasted AGAIN.
i think i will regret for what i did for the whole holiday.
one week holiday is just not enough for me and us..

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