Thursday, October 7, 2010


Going to graduate soon..
Means I'm leaving INTI and also my friends
I don want to seperate with you guys..
I am missing you all already..
PVC simcy
IMY right now.. ='[
I can't stop thinking my life after HSC..
I feel empty
a question keeps came into mind
" can we still meet again after HSC??"
we can't meet everyday anymore
Guess I could not study right now.. Rest for a day first

I love you all friends..
Do NOT forget me please..
I will never ever forget you guys
you all are part of my life..!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

" Dua- feeling"

Aiks.. Happy and sad?? Everyone have this kind of feeling before..?
Everyone got their own surprise during their birthday..
But when is mine??
Guess I'm just so jealous of the surprises few days ago.. Paiseh..

Thanks to simcy because she teach me lots of things..
The rose, magic rose, and also how to wrap the flowers..
Thanks ya honey.. Hahahahahaha
