Monday, September 20, 2010

Womens Nike Dunk

Can't believe..
Instead of saying Nike Dunk..
I said COW DUNK.. =D
Unbelievable.. It was too funny..

So i searched some images of Nike Dunk.
I like this so much...

Glow in the Dark.. WOW.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


It's Saturday..!
boring day
i don;t know what i should do now.
study? hmm.. lazy
but exam just around the corner.
hmm. wait i still have 3 weeks to study..
gahh i'm tired of all my own excuses.. =X
i want to eat Mcd right now..!
i'm so hungry..
found some cute icons or image in old laptop..
but i like this the most.. !